Monday, March 29, 2010

Play Ball!

Yes, it's that time again. Time when we realize...hey it really does take a village to raise our kids! Why you ask? Well, when you have one kid playing ball in Hurst, one playing ball in Colleyville and another kid playing a ball tournament in Rockwall...well that's one more kid than we have parents. So that's when our village comes in. What in the world would we do without our family and friends??? Thanks to my parents and the Hamilton's for being a part of our village this past weekend!

Spring is a very crazy time for the Texas Tolleson's, but we wouldn't have it any other way. The kids love playing baseball and Larry loves coaching. Me, well I've got my comfy seat and blanket packed and ready to be a proud mom.

Well, I'm off to another game!

And then...sometimes plans change. Ball season also means less sleep, dinner at 4:30 and cranky people. We were in the car on the way to Logan's game tonight, and Lily had a melt down before we even got out of the neighborhood. So, even though she screamed "I'm not tired" (A mom's sure clue that a child is completely exhausted!), she was bathed and asleep within 20 minutes. Zac and I enjoyed our quiet evening. Good night.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Many Moons

Yes. It's true. I have been a very bad blogger. So, to the one person that keeps up with the Texas Tolleson's...sorry. I can't really say it will get any better though. It is now baseball season and that means that our life is torn in three different directions almost nightly.

So, to catch you up on the past few months:
Thanksgiving - here in Texas
Christmas - it was fantastic! Gotta love Santa!
New Years - Had a great time with friends!
My 35-ish birthday - yippee.
Lily's 7th birthday - really? Wow that was fast! She had her first sleepover party.
Logan got glasses. No. He is not happy about it, but he looks cute!
Spring Break - We worked all week around the house, warmed up the pool and swam.
Zac got braces. Again. If you have not started saving for your kids. Start.

And now it's baseball season. Lily is a Diamond Girl again with her friends, playing in Colleyville. Logan is on the Crossmen playing in Hurst. And Zachery is on the Junior Hawks playing in Hurst. Sounds easy since both boys play in Hurst, but it's not. Both boys also play tournaments in a different city each weekend. That is when it gets confusing. Whoever said "it takes a village to raise a child" really knew what they were talking about! As the season goes on, I will try to post some pictures of the kids playing ball.

That's all for tonight since I have to get the last kiddo in bed. Hopefully you will hear from me again before too many moons go by.