Well, so far, so good. It looks like all of the kids will be going to school tomorrow. Yeah for mommy! Logan started it off last weekend with a nasty cough and then strep. Zachery followed with a cough and a tummy ache. Lily was next with a yucky tummy virus. (Her poor little bottom still hurts.) Fortunately, Larry stayed well - because he was in Boston! Very thankfully I have stayed well also (Knock on wood!) because someone has to clean up this mess!
So now it is time to completely disinfect the house and any surface the kids may have touched or breathed on. Bye bye germs! Wow, it sure sounds like it will be a fun Monday. Not.
5 months ago
Being sick is no fun at all! Have you taught your kids to cough and sneeze into their elbow? My Pediatrician recommends this method. A fun teaching tool to try is Germy Wormy. It reduces the spread of germs as it is a disposable sleeve to protect clothes and encourage children to NOT spread their germs to their hands which then spread germs to everyone in the house. If we can stop the spread of germs and avoid 1 round of sickness, this is worth it! Stay well!
Germs stay AWAY!!! Parker woke up last night and had a fever...nothing else...isn't that weird? I have enjoyed my snuggle day, though! Get out the Lysol!
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