Sunday, November 16, 2008

Joyful Perspective

Today Allan preached from Philippians about having a joyful perspective. Paul did even though he was persecuted and imprisoned. To live is Christ and to die is gain. What about me?

"How are you doing?" people ask. My reply lately has been "OK" or "good, I guess". What kind of lame answer is that?!? I am not imprisoned. I'm not being persecuted for my beliefs. I have everything to be joyful about, but I don't always feel joyful.

Paul never questioned his purpose. Paul was actively teaching people and bringing them to God. I question my purpose. I wonder if all of the things I do in a day really matter to God. Am I doing his will? Cooking meals, doing laundry, grocery shopping, PTA projects, helping with homework, kissing boo-boos, reading stories, cleaning the house, coordinating small groups, teaching Bible class, mailing the bills, etc, etc, etc. How do these everyday, mundane things fit into God's plan to further the Kingdom?

And then I hear Lily humming an old church song that she does not even know the words to yet. I see Logan seeking out a friend that is visiting to make sure she feels welcome. I see Zachery being a leader in church by reading scripture, leading prayers or hugging the widows. I may not be a missionary in a foreign country, but I am raising Christian believers. I pray that their faith will be strong and their hearts will be tender. I pray that I can joyfully continue to fulfill God's purpose for my life.

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